Blog Translation: Takahashi Mikuni (January 14th, 2021)

Forgotten stuff

Hello everyone

I'm a 17 year old 2nd year highschooler from Tokyo, Takahashi Mikuni.

I wanted to post pics I took on New Years Eve, so I'll put them here! 

Here are some from when we performed on MelodiX!-san
I love this costume as it's very light, cool, and easy to move in 🛼

I participated in the 『Dare yori mo Takaku Tobe!』performance! 

It was quite rare for me to perform on TV, so the first thing on my mind was to enjoy the performance~

This one was when we performed 『Kyun!』together with Marii and Haruyo! 

Thanks for the hard work you two 😊

These pics are from when we performed on CDTV!
We performed 『AzatoKawaii』with these new costumes.

It's duffle coat-like design with a lace skirt. It really feels like winter and also very cute! 

One of its charm points are the shade of the color varies by Generation, and we 3rd Gens wore a pale light blue ❅

We had lots of new costumes made for each and every one of us for New Years Eve, and I think every single one is wonderful. I hope I get a chance to wear these again (´-`)

That'll be all for today. 
Thank you for reading until the end.

-Takahashi Mikuni

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Translator: sushi_xyrus46

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