Another Sky - Shiraishi Mai (English Subtitles)

Another translation by a good friend of the fansub, Mr. Good Enough Subs. This "another sky" episode focuses on Nogizaka46's Shiraishi Mai and her tremendous rise in popularity and her role as the face of Nogizaka.

Contributors :
Translator: Good Enough Subs
Timer, Typesetter: himetanslonelydimple
Translation Check: Bertowski

8/Post a Comment/Comments

  1. Thank you BEAM!
    its great as always, looking forward to your next sub :)

    1. You're welcome!
      I think I've said this before, but thank you for all the comments you always post!

  2. Thanks a lot for the sub. I just want you to note that at the min 2:21 you omited this part 超えましたね (koemashita ne) that I think can be translated as 'You have surpass them' or 'you have exceed them'. It was one of the funniest parts of this chapter xD.

    1. You are correct. I think the problem was that we worked off a Japanese subtitle script that didn't include the text that was displayed on screen as part of the dialogue.

      It's too much work to edit edit/encode/upload everything, and the message still gets across well, so we will just leave it as is. Thank you for informing us though, we always appreciate being notified of any mistakes :)

  3. Thank you for the sub!
    I just have a problem that my mac couldn't display the font correctly even though The fonts in "Fonts We Use" are already install, playing in windows works fine though.
    Anyway, thanks again for the sub, really appreciate it.

  4. Seems like it was problem with my .ts file, not the sub. Sorry for the comment above.

  5. Thank you so much for the subs! Appreciate the hard work :)


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